PHONE: 316.530.PRAY

James  Purdy Service Info

The funeral service will be held at

10:30 AM, Thursday, August 3, 2023,

at Country Acres Baptist Church in Wichita, Kansas.

Country Acres is located at N Tyler and 10th St.

Country Acres Baptist Church
Location Details

Address: 8810 W 10th St N, Wichita, Kansas

Parking available on the west side of the building via 10th St.
Handicap parking available on both the east and west sides of the building.

The service will begin at 10:30 in the main Worship Center.
Access the Worship Center through entrances in the center of the complex.

Lunch follows in the gym, located on the south end of the complex.
If you plan to attend lunch, please RSVP below.

Lunch Plans

You are welcome to join the family for lunch.

Please RSVP through this contact form by providing your name and the number of people who will be dining.

Thank you!

Lunch Menu
Fried Chicken
Mashed Potatoes  •  Baked Beans
Dinner Rolls
Tea and Water
Pie and Cookies