What is the 2 Ways to Live booklet about?

There is a good, unchanging God who is both Creator and King.
His commands and his design for us and the world are for our good — for life and blessing. But we live in a world and culture that has largely rejected God, his truth, and his kind and life-giving reign. We'd rather invent our own way to live.
As we look at the world around us, it is not life and blessing that we experience when we go our own way — it's brokenness, selfishness, conflict, confusion — ultimately destruction. We feel it personally in our own lives. The ultimate result of rejecting God's way is death rather than the life and blessing God intended. We feel the conflict and confusion of the present age and wish for a safer, calmer world, but without much hope of improvement. We feel our personal rebellion and sin against God and sense our guilt. We may think our experience and our place in history is unique.

The truth is every generation from the beginning of time has rebelled and resisted God's truth and his good reign. Everyone ever born has a naturally rebellious heart and wants to "go it on their own." God isn't caught by surprise. He has made a way to redeem rebels and bring them into right relationship with himself. His good plan includes forgiveness and restoration through the Lord Jesus Christ, his Son. We can turn from our naturally broken ways and live God's way under his life-giving reign.

2 Ways to Live is a clear explanation of God's rescue mission for humankind. The grace of the Lord Jesus has changed millions of lives. We at Redeemer's Grace Church are included in that number. We have reached out to share what we have come to know: forgiveness, transformation, healing, life and blessing forever are found Jesus. The Lord calls those who have come to know him to tell his Good News to others. So out of love for Christ and love for our neighbors, we joyfully proclaim, "Jesus saves sinners!"
Any number of responses or questions are possible. You may simply want to know more about God, or you may want to know what it means to believe Christ, to be forgiven by him, and receive him as Lord and Savior. You may have already become aware of your need of him and prayed for forgiveness. Whatever the question, we will provide counsel and encouragement that is firmly rooted in God's word. Ask questions or give us some direction about how to assist you through the ASK | CONNECT | LEARN form below.
In case you are wondering, we won't stop by your home uninvited. We will not send you anything you do not request, nor keep your information beyond what is necessary to respond. If you would like to visit, we will arrange a meeting at a mutually convenient time. If it's more comfortable to join Redeemer's Grace Church for worship without a personal visit, that's fine, too. The pastors enjoy meeting people for meals at local eateries for a low-stress, low-pressure time to chat.
Finding a church home is ultimately essential. Explore the section on finding a church home for information that will help you think about good options.
In case you are wondering, we won't stop by your home uninvited. We will not send you anything you do not request, nor keep your information beyond what is necessary to respond. If you would like to visit, we will arrange a meeting at a mutually convenient time. If it's more comfortable to join Redeemer's Grace Church for worship without a personal visit, that's fine, too. The pastors enjoy meeting people for meals at local eateries for a low-stress, low-pressure time to chat.
Finding a church home is ultimately essential. Explore the section on finding a church home for information that will help you think about good options.

Being placed in the body of Christ — the Church — is part of coming to faith in Christ.
Worshiping and serving in a local body of believers is a significant part of what it means to be a Christian. The goal of Redeemer's Grace Church is to help you find a church home that will nurture and care for your soul, and call you forward in service of King Jesus, whether that's with us or another Gospel-centered church. There are churches that have drifted from God's eternal truth, or rejected it altogether. But there are many churches and pastors in Wichita who are faithful to Scripture. Godly pastors take seriously their responsibilities to shepherd those under their care, understanding they will give account to God. We can help you connect with a faithful church.
We would be glad to have you join us at Redeemer's Grace Church. RGC is a young, small intergenerational church that serves a perfect Savior, though we are ourselves imperfect sinners, saved by his grace. We work and serve together. Families are close, prayer is a priority, and the pastors know everyone, pray for everyone, and visit everyone regularly. A few generations ago Christians referred to this as soul care. It necessarily means we won't ever be large because it wouldn't be possible to maintain that level of connectedness and spiritual encouragement. We meet on Sundays in rented space on the far west side of town at 14700 W Kellogg. Community Groups meet different nights through the week to study God's word and encourage each other. Being small has wonderful benefits, but it also means we don't have large numbers of volunteers to operate large programs, even though they might be helpful. If you think a different church would be a better fit, let us know and ask for some suggestions through the message box above.

These resources will lead you into knowledge of Jesus, and help you learn of the forgiveness, life, and peace he provides. We provide the resources to you at no charge and with no obligation. Review the titles to determine what will be helpful, then complete the RESOURCE REQUEST form below.
- The Holy Bible — The Bible is the word of God. As it unfolds God's truth for all times, people, and places, it reveals the God who made us for his glory and our good. It exposes the sinful condition of all people. It climaxes in the life of Jesus Christ, who has come to save sinners through his death as their substitute sin-bearer. It is the word of God, the wisdom of God, and the truth of God, established and unchanging for all ages.
- The Christian Gospel — An excellent introduction to Jesus Christ and why his life, death, and resurrection have had such an influential impact on the world. It is a short overview of the foundation stones of the Christian faith. The seven chapters are about 10 pages each. It is an excellent new resource for those who wonder what Christianity is all about.
- Who Is Jesus? — An excellent introduction to Jesus, the Son of God, and his mission, in leaflet form.
- Two Ways to Live — A short illustrated booklet that walks through God's plan to redeem the world through Jesus Christ, the Son of God. It is the booklet included in the community mailing you likely received.
- Who Will Be King? — The children's version of the Two Ways to Live booklet. It covers the same material on a level geared to children ages 5-11.
- How to Walk into Church — This brief book points people to the grace and blessing that is the Church, the body of Christ. It will help first timers prepare for Sunday worship. It will help mature Christians open their eyes afresh to what God's Word says about "Church." Along with plenty of practical advice, the author suggests a way to walk into church that beautifully expresses what church is and why you're there.
- How Can I Be Right with God — A concise and compact explanation of what it means to be justified — made right with God — through faith alone. It explains that by faith alone in Christ alone, sinful men and women can be justified and stand forgiven before a holy God.