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To the Praise of His Glorious Grace

Oct 27, 2024    David Atkins

The message focuses on Ephesians 1:3–6 and highlights the theme of divine election and its fuel for worship.

The Apostle Paul praises God for His sovereign grace in salvation, emphasizing that it is God the Father who elects, God the Son redeems, and God the Holy Spirit seals believers. His election is not based on human merit but on God's eternal purpose, meant to foster holiness and blamelessness in His chosen ones.

Paul’s lengthy sentence is structured around worship, underscoring that understanding God’s grace should lead to heartfelt praise. The message stresses the importance of recognizing God’s actions—blessing in Christ, chosen by God, and predestined to be holy and blameless—and how these truths should inspire worship rather than debate. Believers are called to respond to their salvation with gratitude and worship, reflecting on the grace extended through Christ, presenting themselves as living sacrifices in response to God’s election.